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2007-06-05 - 8:10 p.m.

Remember my cousin I told you about who thought the end of the world was coming and painted cow crafts and was my all-time favorite cousin?

Well, she died unexpectedly on Saturday night. It's terrible, and it's even more terrible because her daughter is the teenager who's about to have a kid any second now. They really needed each other, especially now. I just hope she's finally at peace. I know it's clich�, but if anybody needs that it was her.

In other, non-completely sad news, the boy has been promoted to actual boyfriend and everything's fantasatic in that department. It's so weird--every single person who's been around us so far, my parents included, (that's plural, meaning the dad too)--has been like, "Yep. That's the one for you," often times unprovoked by me, even. And they all love him. (Again, dad included, and he hates everyone just on general principle). I think they're on to something. It's so *weird* and so great! I could go on, and part of me really wants to, but I know it's really not all that interesting for anyone else so I won't. I will say that I'm a huge fan of white-hot nerd love though.

And with those two polar opposite paragraphs, I'm going to bed.


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